Boomerang Ventures

Boomerang Ventures
Ally Thill


Project Leader

Ally Thill is a Project Leader at Boomerang Ventures, where she utilizes her mechanical engineering background to conduct technology and market assessments for potential projects as well as manage and collaborate on projects that are brought into the studio.

In design thinking sessions, Ally collaborates with clients and other Boomerang staff members to better understand opportunities being addressed and improve product designs.

Ally previously worked as an engineering intern at Retinal Care Inc., where she helped design a device to test an electronic sensor that gathered force and angle measurements on eyedrop bottles to improve medication compliance in glaucoma patients. Soon after, she joined Boomerang Ventures as an engineering intern during her last semester at the University of Notre Dame before becoming a full-time employee after graduation.

Ally earned a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering with a concentration in Bioengineering from the University of Notre Dame, having completed the Summer Engineering Program in London, England, where she studies engineering ethics and technical writing. She is a member of the Society of Women Engineers and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

Boomerang Ventures